Senior Care Provider Sample Program

Nampons offers a free sample program for professional and medical caregivers of aging adults 65 and over. Please complete the form below to qualify for free samples of Nampons™ for your community or agency. 

About Nampons

Nampons™ is the leading product for the treatment of nosebleeds in aging adults and seniors.  Nampons have been used for over ten years by hospitals, first-responders, and doctors to treat mild to moderate nosebleeds.  They are safe, easy to use or administer, and hypoallergenic. There are no known allergens associated with Nampons. Nampons contain a calcium sodium salt of micro-dispersed oxidized cellulose, PVA (polyvinyl acetal) sponge, glycerine, and a surfactant.

You can read more about the efficacy of Nampons™, as well as clinical studies performed, by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ or email us directly.