Battle Tested. Doctor Approved.
Stop nosebleeds quickly and safely. Nampons are used to treat mild to moderate nosebleeds in children, allergy sufferers, adults, those with bleeding disorders such as HHT, athletes, and seniors. Nampons have been used by hospitals, doctors, and first-responders for over a decade and are now available over the counter (OTC).
Kids need Nampons™
Nosebleeds are most common in kids and teens. If they're active (or pick their nose), count on them getting a nosebleed. Help them deal with a nosebleed quickly and bravely. Kids need Nampons™.
Athletes need Nampons™
If you're an athlete, the chance of getting a nosebleed comes with the territory. They can stop stop a game or sideline you from playing. Next time you play, be prepared. Athletes need Nampons™.
Allergy Sufferers need Nampons™
Allergies and and the medication to prevent allergies both dry out the nose, which lead to more nosebleeds. One hard sneeze and nosebleed. Be prepared this allergy season with Nampons™.
Seniors Need Nampons
As you age, the skin around your nose becomes thinner and more sensitive, leading to random nosebleeds. They can happen anytime, anywhere and become serious if not treated quickly. Seniors need Nampons™.