Nosebleeds are typically not serious, but do happen often. Like anything else, preparation with a product like Nampons™ is always recommended.
Nosebleeds need Nampons™
If you're one of the 12 million people who get occasional to frequent nosebleeds, you know how embarrassing, awkward and inconvenient they can be. Nampons™ are small, discreet and go with you anywhere. Most importantly, they stop the bleed fast and are trusted by others like you for when you need them most
How Nampons™ Work
Tear open from sterile foil and Insert gently into the affected nostril
Nampons™ expand to absorb blood, apply the clotting agent and stop the bleeding
Bleeding stops in minutes. Gently remove and discard. Enjoy your day
Nampons is one of the best first-line tools for anterior nosebleeds I have seen in many years. They should be a part of every first aid kit.

helping families be prepared
Our mission is to create a new standard of care for treating the common nosebleed that is safe, effective and allows people to get on with their lives with as little inconvenience as possible.