Nosebleeds and Allergies: A Guide to the Causes

This article is made possible by Nampons™, the leading brand for the treatment of nosebleeds in children, adults and seniors. While understanding what causes and how to prevent a nosebleed is important, it's just as important to be prepared with the products trusted by tens of thousands to stop a nosebleed twice as fast with half the mess. Click here to learn more.

Nosebleeds are more common in children, as they have a tendency to pick their noses, and in seniors, as they often take blood thinning medications and have hard nails. But why are nosebleeds more common among allergy sufferers?

Why Allergens Cause Nosebleeds

Allergies are caused by allergens such as dust, dirt, and pollen. The immune system recognizes these substances and overreacts, triggering an allergic reaction that results in a release of histamine. This can cause the blood vessels to expand and may also cause symptoms such as a congested and/or runny nose.

If you have an allergy, the inhalation of allergens can irritate your nasal passages, which are very delicate and prone to damage. Repeat irritation may eventually trigger a nosebleed or leave your nasal lining in a vulnerable state.

In addition, the repeated sneezing, nose blowing, and nose rubbing can cause damage to the sensitive lining and may trigger nosebleeds.

Other Reasons Allergies Cause Nosebleeds

The medications that are prescribed for common allergies, including decongestants and antihistamines, can also exacerbate the problem and cause nosebleeds.

These medications may make your nose dry, especially if they are consumed intranasally, and when the lining of your nose becomes dry and cracked, you could be one sneeze, blow, or pick away from a rupture and bleed.

How to Prevent Allergy Nosebleeds

If you are suffering from regular nosebleeds as a result of allergies, you should contact your doctor and discuss the issue with them. There may be something they can prescribe you that will treat your allergies without damaging your nose.

The following tips may also help:

  • Use a humidifier at night to moisten the air.
  • Add a dab of Vaseline to the dry and sensitive parts of your nose.
  • Don’t pick your nose.
  • Stay away from blood thinners like aspirin (unless they have been prescribed).
  • Don’t blow your nose too hard.
  • Use a saline nasal spray.

Make sure you pick up a pack of Nampons as well. They won’t prevent nosebleeds, but they can help you to deal with them whenever they appear.

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