Understanding Nosebleeds

Did you know that over 67M Americans get nosebleeds every year.  While nosebleeds are most common among children and seniors, they are often an unwelcome side-effect of:

  • Dry air
  • Traveling in a plane
  • Allergies
  • Sinuses
  • Contact sports
  • Drug use
  • Pregnancy
  • Nasal sprays
  • Deviated septum
  • Flu and the common cold

You can also get them from smelling super strong chemicals, such as ammonia, or even using aspirin.  Nosebleeds may also occur when you blow your nose too hard, especially if the air is dry.  And yes, of course sticking your finger up your nose is a sure fire way to trigger a nose bleed.

What Causes Nosebleeds?

The inside of your nose is many up of tiny blood vessels known as Capillaries.  Capillaries are in the front area of the nose and are very fragile, so they break and then bleed quite easily.  

Most nosebleeds are not serious and can be easily treated.  These are known as "anterior nosebleeds" as they start at the strong of your nose.  These are the type that Nampons were designed for and, with proper use, can typically be stopped within 10 minutes.

A more serious nosebleed deep inside your nose is a called a "posterior nosebleed."  These occur when a larger blood vessel bleeds and can result in blood flowing down your throat.  This is more common in adults and may require immediate medical attention.

How Should You Not Treat A Nosebleed?

First off, don't panic.  As stated, nosebleeds are quite common.  If you have a mild to moderate nosebleed, do not do any of the following:

Stick a tissue or cotton swab in your nose.  

Tissues and cotton swabs are not designed to quickly form clots, so it could take considerably longer to stop a nosebleed with tissues.  Using tissues often require multiple applications to stop the bleed, which results in a number of unhygienic "bloody rags."  Lastly, if a clot forms as a result of tissues of cotton, the tissues are typically part of the clot so their removal often reopens the bleed.

Tilt your head backward.

Tilting your head backward could result in blood flowing down your throat and choking you.  You want to tilt your head forward in the case of a bleed.

Wait to long to seek help if it doesn't stop.

If a nosebleed lasts longer than 10-15 minutes, you must seek medical attention to prevent further complications.

How To Properly Treat a Nosebleed

Nampons are one of the only products on the market specifically designed for the treatment of mild to moderate nosebleeds in everyone from children to adults.  Each Nampon comes sealed to ensure they are sanitary and safe.  Simply open the Nampon and insert into the nasal cavity.  If treating a child or someone with a small nose, take a scissor and trim the Nampon to fit. Once inserted, the Nampon will gently expand to provide internal pressure against the would.  Tilt the head forward and gently pinch the nose to provide external pressure.  The proprietary clotting agent inside the Nampon will immediately begin to form a clot, arresting the bleed within five to ten minutes.  

Once the bleed as stopped, simply slide and safely dispose of the used Nampons.  Typically one is enough, but a second application may be needed.  Nampons are designed to not stick to the clot or nasal mucosa, so they can be removed without worrying about reopening the clot.

If you are interested in obtaining a free sample package of Nampons, please click here.

Nosebleeds Can Be Serious, But Are Treatable


Remember, a nosebleed that lasts more than 10 to 15 minutes requires medical attention, however, nosebleeds are quite common and with the knowledge you've now gained, can typically be easily managed.